Variability of the measurements obtained by one person while measuring the same item repeatedly.
Inherent precision of the measurem
ent equipment.
The density functions demonstrate that Gage B is more repeatable than Gage A.

What is Reproducibility?
Variability of the measurement system caused by differences in operator behavior.
The variability of the individual operators are the same,
but because each operator has a different bias,
the total variability of the measurement system is higher when three operators are used than when one operator is used.
Figure 3 also displays the probability density functions of the measurements for three operators using the same scale as Figure 2.
There is more difference in the means of the measurements shown in Figure 3 than those shown in Figure 2.
The reproducibility of the system shown in Figure 3 is higher than the reproducibility of the system shown in Figure 2.
Range and Average method: is a most commonly used method for computing repeatability and reproducibility, computes the total measurement system variability, and allows the total measurement system variability to be separated into repeatability, reproducibility, and part variation.
Recommended method is to use 10 parts, 3 appraisers and 2 trials, for a total of 60 measurements.

The measurement system repeatability and reproducibility is:

The part variability is:

The total variability, measurement system variability and part variation combined is:

Repeatability is the variation in measurements taken by a single person or instrument on the same item and under the same conditions
i see this measurement are important to know further about calculation derivative. thanks for this good review. i know how to use these mathematic calculation for further application from this. great!
wow, it's so difficult for me to understand it, how to measure it? it needs maths knowledge to help understand well, anyway, thanks for sharing this
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