Wigix is the new way to buy and sell online. Stop buying in a Web 1.0 world and start buying with the strength of your friends and fellow owners! . Profit from Your Expertise Become a Category Expert and earn money by sharing your knowledge and presiding over a whole category of items. No Listing Fees! No Transaction Fees! Have thousands of items to sell? List them all on Wigix for FREE. And pay no transaction fees for items below $25.
That’s a stretch. The company allows members to list their stuff (cars, electronics and ladies accessories are the most popular items so far), and see what other people might be willing to pay for it. For example, if I have a Nintendo Wii listed, I could set an “ask” price of $400 for it. If anyone meets that price then Wigix would automatically generate the transaction. If I merely listed my Wii I could see that others on the site are “bidding” $400 for them and set a price.
So for Wigix to make it as an eBay killer (or even as a successful market) it needs to combine its transparency with liquidity– by gathering a lot of users and selling goods that a lot of people want to buy and sell. In contrast, eBay made its claim to fame by finding a market for items that few people wanted (like vintage beer signs) and then became a liquid market over time. I’m not sure Wigix can duplicate such a feat, but I admire it for trying.
That’s a stretch. The company allows members to list their stuff (cars, electronics and ladies accessories are the most popular items so far), and see what other people might be willing to pay for it. For example, if I have a Nintendo Wii listed, I could set an “ask” price of $400 for it. If anyone meets that price then Wigix would automatically generate the transaction. If I merely listed my Wii I could see that others on the site are “bidding” $400 for them and set a price.
So for Wigix to make it as an eBay killer (or even as a successful market) it needs to combine its transparency with liquidity– by gathering a lot of users and selling goods that a lot of people want to buy and sell. In contrast, eBay made its claim to fame by finding a market for items that few people wanted (like vintage beer signs) and then became a liquid market over time. I’m not sure Wigix can duplicate such a feat, but I admire it for trying.
How can I make money on Wigix?
Wigix is more than a buying and selling platform. It's a product catalog with many ways to participate in making money.
Be a Page Owner.
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Be a Category Expert.
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And there's more! Affiliates can make up to $3.00 per referral.
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