Another best way is that you can maximize the performance of your affiliate strategy is by way of direct promotion via email.
This is by way of opt-in emails, which usually consist of e-zines or newsletters. These are emails that recipients actually choose to receive, by signing up. This way, you’ll be able to create an information-based email, which you can send directly to the recipient’s email inbox, and which may also contain summaries, explanations, benefit lists, and uses for different products or services.
Within these newsletters, you can create a great deal of interest in the different products and services offered by your affiliate program – subtly, as hard-selling is unappealing, and will frequently turn readers away from your e-publication – creating the desire within those readers to learn more, and perhaps even buy.
Within each of your articles or summaries, include your affiliate link for the product that applies to that particular message.
The benefit here is twofold. Not only do you have a perfect opportunity to promote the products and services being sold through your affiliate strategy – providing click-throughs, and then sales with your commissions – but your visitors will be reminded of your site with each publication of the newsletter or e-zine, allowing them to discover new products and services that they may never have noticed on their own.

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