Watermelon: Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is
also packed with a giant dose of glutathione which helps to boost our
immune system. They are also a key source of Iycopene - the cancer
fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C
and Potassium. Watermelon also has natural substances (natural SPF
sources) that keeps our skin healthy.

Papaya is rich in carotene, this is good for eyes. Also good for gas
and indigestion.
Asthma? Eat Onions!!

The word onion comes from the Latin word "unio" for "single," or
"one," because the onion plant produces a single bulb. Onions, like
garlic, are members of the Allium family, and both are rich in
powerful sulfur-containing compounds.
Some benefits of onions include Blood Sugar-Lowering Effects, the
ability to lower high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure,
Support Gastrointestinal Health, and making onion and garlic a staple
in your healthy way of eating may greatly lower your risk of several
common cancers.
Drink Tea to prevent Stoke!

Tea prevents building up of fatty deposits on artery walls with regular
doses of tea. Particularly Green tea is very good for our immune system.
Insomnia? (Can't sleep?) Honey!!

Use Honey as a Tranquilizer and Sedative.
Honey is a rich, golden syrup naturally produced by bees from the
nectar of flowers. With a high fructose content, it's even sweeter in
taste than granulated sugar. Honey can be used as a spread,
sweetener and glaze, as well as an age-old sore throat remedy when
mixed with hot tea and lemon.
oh... I just love watermelon! My favorite summer fruit! I'll buy some this week.
saya suka sekali dengan semangka. ternyata semangka dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebala tubuh juga ya. terima kasih artikel ini cukup menambah pengetahuan saya lebih banyak lagi tentang buah-buahan
I love honey but did not know it can used for insomnia.
How to use it or take to prevent insomnia because i am suffering from sleeplessness
Watermelon is my favorite. it`s so good that i can`t stop from eating, i`m making my self at my mouth worst then a child. anyway .. i eat any food i have.. it really don`t matter what it is. I like food !
hey tea prevents stroke i never know it thanks for the information, the Nutrition Information in watermelon and papaya and onions and honey are given very nicely the informations about tea and honey and advantages of using it are also given, thank you for the information posted.
This blog can help to everybody, keep posting the news articles.
I love to slurp Watermelons! They are so tasty and yummy. :)
thanks for sharing this information and keep postiong
I , always liked honey but did not know it can used for insomnia.
please , tell me how it is used , to prevent insomnia because i am suffering , sometimes from sleeplessness.
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